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Signs of Muscle Tension

  • Inhibited Motion

  • Resistance/Refusal

  • Uneven tracking

  • Girthing issues 

  • Difficulty lateral bending

  • Shortened stride

  • Head tossing

  • Bucking or Kicking

  • Overall Stiffness 

  • Refusing/resisting leads

  • "Cold Back"

Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion.  It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed.
~ Ralph Waldo 

Benefits of Massage Therapy 

  • Helps to increase range of motion

  • Enhances overall muscle tone 

  • Increased Flow of synovial fluid to joints 

  • Restores mobility to damaged muscle tissue

  • Release of Endorphins

  • Aids in recovery  

  • Increases Circulation

  • Improved flexibility 

  • Reduces the build up of adhesions in the muscles resulting from injury, trauma, or surgery

  • Relieves soreness, muscle  tension, and spasms

  • Aids in the reversal of  muscle atrophy from disuse and inactivity 

Why use

 Massage Therapy for your Dog?

  • Release of endorphins provides  relief of hip displasia, arthritis and chronic pain

  • Relieves soreness, muscle  tension, and spasms

  • Aids in the reversal of  muscle atrophy from disuse and inactivity 



Benefits of Massage:

  • Maximizes normal tissue function, aids in elimination of the lymph system 

  • Maximizes absorbtion of nutrients

  • Reduces the build up of adhesions in the muscles resulting from injury, trauma, or surgery

  • Improves agility in competition or play


The use of Canine Massage Therapy dates back centuries. In ancient India, canine "trigger points" were mapped along with humans. Even Julius Caesar realized the effect massage could have in dogs and often had his personal masseuse massage his war dogs.

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